Baseball is like comfort food to me.
Growing up in the ‘50’s, it seemed like there was always a ball game on. My dad would listen as he did the weekend projects around the house. We lived in Brooklyn, so naturally we were Dodger fans. In those days the Dodgers would often struggle, but somehow make it to the World Series only to be beaten by the hated Yankees. To this day, I bristle at pinstripes.
But win or lose, as a young, impressionable lad , I loved the Dodgers. I kept a scrapbook bulging with box scores, photos and articles. Back then, we had heroes, and mine was the slugging center fielder Duke Snider (#4). And I would sooner risk losing my beloved black & chrome Schwinn Corvette bike than wager my prized Dodger baseball cards in the floating neighborhood, card flipping games.
Once in awhile, my Dad would take me to Ebbets field to see a game in person. Mom would always make us egg salad sandwiches. Why egg salad? I have no idea. We never had it any other time. Maybe it was some ancient Biblical Law “When thou goest to the ballyard, thou shalt eat egg salad.”
One of the most vivid and memorable visuals of my life was burned into my neurons at my 1st night game. When that bright, hyper-green expanse of lit up ball field was revealed before my eyes, I was in awe. Even today, more than 50 yrs later, when I see that green, I still get a hit of Wow!
But back in Brooklyn in 1955, the unthinkable happened. For the 1st time ever, the Dodgers finally beat the hated Yankees to win the World Series! Brooklyn went nuts! I thought my heart would burst with joy and pride. And for the next few years, as I grew, so did my affection for the home team.
Then, just 2 years later, in 1957, the unthinkable happened again! Only this time, it was horrible! The Bums were leaving! Moving to California! Again Brooklyn went nuts! Only this time, there was no joy in Mudville. For this 10 yr old boy, it was like losing my first love. No wait! It WAS losing my first love. For years I was unable to trust another team. Oh I had a short fling with The NY Mets their 1st year, but that was more for their comedic value.
Decades later, still wary of commitment, I began to yearn for the sound of the ball game in the background as I do the weekend projects around the house. If no one was around, I’d guiltily watch a few innings on TV. Soon, I heard myself saying things like “oh, I’ll just watch one more half inning.” One time I even watched part of a game in public – although I don’t think anyone saw me.
But slowly and cautiously I began to build trust. And before long I found myself following the San Francisco Giants and, gasp, actually caring about how they did! (Which, given their record, is not always such a fun place to be).
Now, in a fully committed relationship, I go to 8 or 10 games each year (no egg salad, but that lit up field still grabs me). And best of all, this mature love gives me the opportunity and great pleasure to enthusiastically rant and root against our biggest rival – the hated Dodgers!!!
Baseball is like comfort food to me.